Have you done a client’s lashes and had the sclera of their eye get RED following application? It may look like this…
This happens when you use traditional collagen pads… But why? Because collagen pads…
- Are not actually sticky
- Shift when your client moves or talks
- Are irritating to the majority of people
- Need to be additionally secured with excess tape
So why should you make the switch to MICROFOAM?? Because microfoam…
- Is non-irritating to EVERYONE
- Won’t shift or slide when your client moves or talks
- Is a lot cheaper than collagen pads
How do I apply microfoam?
- Cut a 1.5-2 inch piece of microfoam tape
- Start at the inner corner of the eye
- Gently pull down your client’s skin on the inner aspect, so that the inner lashes lay down flat and stick the microfoam tape down
- Keep one finger on the tape at the inner corner of the eye to keep it in place
- Gently stretch the microfoam tape across your client’s eye to the outer aspect
- Use a finger from your opposite hand (not the hand already bracing the inner corner in place) to pull down the skin on the outside corner of the eye (this functions to “straighten” the eye so the microfoam can lay flat)
- While holding the tape in place still, ask your client to close their eyes and lift the tape on the outer aspect of the eye just enough that you can lay it back down flat without it cutting in to their outer corners at an angle
There are some important things to remember when applying microfoam…
- Be sure to not have any part of the microfoam tape on the conjunctiva of your client’s lower lid. This will make their eyes water!
- It is best to initially place the microfoam tape too LOW and use small pieces of micropore tape to cover the lashes that you may have missed
So what are the microfoam options?
- 1 inch Microfoam Tape
- Cut off 2 inch pieces
- Each roll contains approximately enough length to make 100 sets of 2-inch eye pads
- 2 inch Microfoam Tape
- Cut off ¾ – 1 inch pieces
- Each roll contains approximately enough length to make 200+ sets of eye pads
- 3 inch Microfoam Tape
- Cut this tape 1 inch in to create a 1 inch roll as well as a 2 inch roll within each other
- Cut off the appropriate 1-2 inch pieces
- Each roll contains approximately enough length to make 100 sets of eye pads from the 1 inch roll, AND 200+ sets of eye pads from the 2 inch roll- giving you 3X the amount of product than previously available for less than 3X the price